Sudbury & District Citizens Advice is an independent local charity that gives wide ranging, free, confidential one to one advice. No matter who you are or what the problem is we are here to help you. 86% of our clients told us that without us they would have nowhere else to go for help and one client summed it up by telling us:

“Thank you for everything you have done. I have my life back . . .”

Our 40 skilled and trained volunteers enable us to keep our costs low.

We are very grateful to both Suffolk County Council and Babergh District Council whose annual grants provide around 55% of the money we need to balance the books. This year we need to raise an additional £100,000 to sustain the operation. We are working hard to bridge that gap.

We welcome donations and if you are a supporter or we have helped you personally, you can support us by making a donation.