We measure the direct economic impact for the people we help from the work of our team. Last year 22/23 we returned £1,061m to clients, an increase of 130% vs the prior year. The biggest increases within this number were £746,000 in income benefits, an increase of 88%, and £230,000 in debts written off, an increase of nearly 10 times!

Our work also delivers significant value to wider society. Citizens Advice uses a Treasury approved model to calculate the wider financial value of our advice and the positive outcomes it contributes to individuals and society.

This shows in 2022 - 23 that for every £1 invested in Sudbury & District Citizens Advice we generated at least:  

  • £23.85 in wider economic and social benefits (public value). By solving problems and improving lives, we improve wellbeing, participation and productivity for the people we help.
    • That equates to £4.9m
  • £3.75 in savings to government and public services (fiscal benefits).  By helping stop problems occurring or escalating, we reduce pressure on public services like health, housing or out-of-work benefits.
    • That equates to £772,000.